Neutralizing antibody test kit (COVID countermeasures)

Product Discription

Presence or absence of “neutralizing antibody” that beats the infectivity of the COVID-19 can be checked by this product.
Antibodies that bind to virus and neutralize viruses are called neutralizing antibodies.It is important that “neutralizing antibodies” are present in the body to prevent infection.
Highly accurate detection with 98.16% of correct diagnosis rate.
・Test result will be shown in 10 minutes.
・Easy to use at home or at work.
・This test can assure you safety for you.
・2 year expiration period enables stocking.

Point 1
World-wide certification and Regisatration permit obtained
It meets the safety standards that unify the standards of European Union (EU) member states. The permission of CIGB in the Netherlands is also obtained whereas the factory has acquired ISO13485, the international standard for quality management systems for medical devices.
Point 2
Proven high accuracy in clinical trials
Correct diagnosis rate・・98.16%

ProductNeutralizing antibody test kit (COVID countermeasures)
Handled byToyo Trading Co., Ltd.
Product No.5
Made in China
Remarks10 tests kits in 1 box
Delivery chargesDisplay fees
Unit price / quantity2300 JPY/ 1 box
Special price 2,300 JPY
Minimum order 1× 10 boxes
selling price for 1 lot 23,000JPY (w/o tax)

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